Thursday, April 26, 2012

Benefits of White Tea

Today I finally stepped up and decided to indulge in Teavana and get my own tea maker along with 2 different types of white tea.  White tea is very beneficial to ones health, in fact studies indicate that white tea contains more polyphenols which are powerful anti-oxidants that fight off and kill cancer-causeing cells.  White tea can also help boost your body's immune system and fight off virus and infection-causing bacteria.  Aside from the obvious benefits white tea can have on your overall health, the high amount of anti-oxidants also helps fight off free radical damage which in turn benefits your skin and we all know how we would love to have flawless skin ;) 

Do you believe teas can make a difference in your overall health, and what are some of your favorite kinds? 

Staying Fit & Healthy

So each week I make it a point to try and get to the gym 4-5 times and do a combination of either classes/cardio and weight training.  Lately I have been putting a lot of focus on legs because lets face it summer is right around the corner, which also means swimsuit season, which means I need to get me a brazilian butt lift ASAP! So here is a leg workout idea and what I did today.

20 Minutes of cardio on the stair master

Weight training for legs:
* Single Leg squats 3X15 each leg
*Step Ups 4X15 each leg
*DB toe touchers 4X10 each leg
*Cable Kickbacks 4X20 each leg
*Leg Press 4X20

Strong is not only healthy, its beautiful 

Another tip and a very beneficial one is consuming a protein smoothie after each workout to help with recovery.  Here is one of my favorite mixtures.

1 Scoop of vanilla BSN Syntha-6 Whey Protein 
1 Banana 
One hand full of spinach
Your favorite juice (bolthouse juices for me) 

Drink up and ENJOY 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Hello dolls! Welcome to my new blog where I will be sharing my ideas and opinions on different beauty products and hair care products along with tips on how to live a healthy lifestyle.  Tune in for more <3